Weighbridge Lightning Protection Kits

Prevention Is Less Costly Than The Cure

Electrical Protection For Weighing Instruments

Weighbridge installations will typically need earthing from the weighbridge structure to ground. Copper earth spikes ensure that any wayward current is delivered straight into the ground rather than have it pass through your delicate weighing instrument.

Your weighbridge indicator, load cells as well as any computers, printers and other electrical paraphernalia you might have need to be protected from the power supply. East Rand Scales makes use of a 1KVA online UPS with built in sine tamer. This ensures your power does not fluctuate and also keeps your system on when the power fails.

Additional protection is offered through the use of surge suppressors on your load cell wiring. This ensures no overvoltage can make it's way from the weighbridge to your indicator.

Need more tips for lighting protection ?

Lightning is one of the most destructive events in nature, so it is imperative to protect people, environment and infrastructure from its effects, ensure the continuity of services and protect material and cultural assets. The purpose of a lightning protection system is to capture the lightning, conduct its current safely to earth, drain it into the ground, and protect against the secondary effects of lightning.

The lightning protection standards define procedures for calculating the risk index of a lightning structure to determine the required installation of a lightning protection system (LPS) and the level of protection it must provide.

The lightning protection level of an LPS takes into account both the lightning current parameters and the probability of not exceeding the maximum and minimum ratings in the event of a storm. These maximum and minimum values ??are used for the dimensioning of the LPS elements (thickness of the sheets, current carrying capacity of the lightning rods, separation distances against dangerous sparks), for the test parameters and for the positioning of the LPS sensors.