Weighbridges will need to be repaired from time to time because of damage caused by everyday usage, electrical surges and weather. For businesses that cannot afford loss of profit due to downtime, a speedy repair service will be necessary. East Rand Scales boasts one of the largest on-the-road team of scale technicians in the country.
They are equipped with all the tools and experience necessary to provide the sort of service that keeps your business running while remaining cost conscious at all times with our Weighbridge Repairs services. Many weighbridge owners end up moving their repairs and maintenance to us because their current providers take too long to resolve problems, causing losses in revenue as well as creating a long line of trucks waiting to be weighed.
Continuous upkeep is necessary to maintain your weighbridge and ensure it does not fall into disrepair. A service and maintenance contract can help with this and reduces effort on the client's part as regular service visits will be scheduled for your site. Meaning you will not have to remember to call us out.
As with the scale service contracts, the weighbridge one can be customized to suit your needs and can also include any scale you may have. Constant monitoring of your weighing equipment via a contract such as this not only keeps your scales in top shape but can also help detect problems before they arise, leading to less down time caused by an unexpected breakdown.
All weighbridges will need to be calibrated every so often to determine their level of uncertainty when measuring. We are SANAS accredited to perform calibration and issue certificates that detail exactly how your weighbridge is performing.
For weighbridges that are used to trade (ie. a product is bought or sold by weight), you will need verification. This is to ensure your weighing instrument is in compliance with the legal metrology act and is enforced by government to promote fair trade.
We are SANAS accredited to verify and have a team of qualified verification officers that are on call 24/7 to ensure you stay in compliance with these laws. The certificate that is issued with this service is valid for two years and will need to be redone when it expires.